Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This is a single-page painting instead of a two-page spread, the first page of a brand new journal. Looking forward from the first month in a brand new year or the first page of a new book, it's exciting to think of what will follow. The text in this painting advises: "Relax your wrist and arm. Breathe." I found the phrase in a book of drawing exercises, but it's great advice to follow at the beginning of just about anything.

To my eye, the figure in this painting is facing a doorway, perhaps about to go through. The doorway or arch is an image that paints itself into my paintings - it has been popping up from time to time since last year, usually with a figure nearby. I don't know what is on the other side of the door! But I know that if I relax and breathe and try not to control the painting too much, the images will begin to give me little hints, maybe about when it's time to move forward and walk through.

9" X 12" acrylics, collage, hand-carved stamps, pitt artist pen

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Diamond Heart

The book page scrap on this page says: " friend said our hearts are like diamonds because they have the capacity to express divine light which is love..." From Ann Lamott's book Plan B

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Will is Reading

Willy is reading about evolution and brain science and telling me about altruistic reciprocity and neuroplasticity and about how his spirituality is changing and moving in new directions.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

See Differently

The artist's not an elite eye that exists in only a few chosen people. Rather, it is a powerful potential that exists within the heart and mind of every person. Your artist's eye is activated when you give up your need to label and judge things harshly. Soften your eyes. Open your heart. Then you will begin to see things differently. 
- Heather C. Williams, Drawing as a Sacred Activity

Friday, January 6, 2012

Its Safe in Here

I've been wondering what this is all about, this painting in books. This use of many materials all on one page, this writing and layering. I've been looking at other artist's journals to try to figure out why we do this. All I know for sure is that I love doing it and I'm driven to do it and I want to do it more than almost anything else. I'll keep working to see where it goes. I like forgetting about canvas for a while and painting in books. It's safe in here.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


All who wander are not lost. But wandering can feel like lost sometimes...I have to keep reminding myself that wandering leads to the most exciting discoveries. If I stay in the moment, I won't miss them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life Drawing

Unconditional love is the key to drawing the human form. The artist's eye is capable of seeing unconditionally, which means that it is capable of extracting the abstract qualities of Spirit from the concrete form of the body. Unconditional love is natural; it is inside you right now. 
   - Heather C. Williams, Drawing as a Sacred Activity

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sometimes it Takes a While to Be Born

It feels right to begin Radiant Pages with these art journal pages that express gratitude. "Thank you for shining the light on the small artist inside of me", they say. On the day this was painted, this small artist was calling out: "hear me, help me be alive" and "sometimes it takes a while to be born".

Posting my art journal pages for others to see is one way of helping that artist part of me be alive. 

I'll post a few of the pages I've painted since last spring, then I'll share current pages, maybe one time each week. I read recently that the artistic process is not complete until the art itself is shared - so thank you for sharing in this process of creating my art journal, page by page. Your comments are welcome and appreciated!